Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Springtime for Painting

I admitted yesterday in a studio visit that I'm a prejudiced art viewer. I often eschew the conceptual or the difficult in favor of a hit of visual pleasure: I will go out of my way to look at paintings every time. Lucky me, right now is good time to do that.

There's a lot of pretty good painting on view in Washington right now. The Corcoran has Washington Color and Light, although you've only got through Sunday to see it. The Phillips has Philip Guston's works on paper from his time in Rome in the 70's (so, so good), plus a lecture by Peter Doig coming up on March 17. And the National Gallery of Art just opened a big show of Gaugin. There's even some good contemporary painting to see within this context. The DC Arts Center in Adams Morgan has Paint Mix, a well curated look at some locally made works put together by my friend Becca Kallem. This one's up til March 13.

(There was an amazing show of paintings by Laura Elkins up at the Fridge recently, but I didn't get around to blogging about it before it came down. If you get a chance to see her work in person, run, don't walk.)
(Image is postcard from Paint Mix)

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